1.0 Operations and Maintenance Programme
Operations and maintenance programme expanded substantially for 2008. Increase in schedule of planned maintenance for all water and waste water plants.
2.0 Capital Programme
2.1 Major Schemes
2.1.1 Kilkenny Regional Water Supply Scheme
Exploratory Well Drilling and Yield Testing have been completed for Dunmore and Kilkieran Wellfields and suitable groundwater sources have been identified. The draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) has been completed. The final EIS report will be submitted to An Bord Pleanala for approval in 2010.
2.1.2 Gowran/Goresbridge/Paulstown WSS
A route for the proposed permanent access road to the source has been agreed with the relevant landowner and a detailed design is being completed for this work. Tenders were sought in 2009 for the upgrading of the Water Treatment facilities at the source. It is intended to carry out both contracts in 2010, subject to funding.
2.1.3 Bennettsbridge Water Supply Scheme
Works were carried out in 2009 to raise the well heads at Knockanore and protect the groundwater source from the impacts of flooding.
2.1.4 Ballyragget, Clogh/Castlecomer and Urlingford/Johsntown WSS Bundle
Preliminary Report and Technical Report were forwarded to the DoELHG in September 2008 for approval. The completion of the major scheme is not possible at this time due to lack of funding.
Provision has been made in the WSIP 2010-2012 for some upgrade works on the Johnstown Water Supply scheme. The completion of these works is subject to funding.
2.1.5 Callan, Graignamanagh and Thomastown/Inistioge WSS Bundle
The preliminary report on the scheme has been submitted to the DoHELG for approval.
Provision has been made in the WSIP 2010-2012 for some upgrade works on the Thomastown / Inistoige Scheme. Completion of these works is subject to funding.
2.1.6 Mooncoin Water Supply Scheme
Phase 1A works contract commenced in September 2009. Commissioning is expected in June 2010 with handover in September 2010. The works included under this Phase 1A Contract involve the development of groundwater sources in South Kilkenny, the construction of a water treatment works and balancing storage at Mullinabro, construction of 2 Nr. reservoirs at Ballinvoher and the installation of approximately 12.6 km of watermain. Total cost of Phase 1A is €14M.
2.1.7 Kilkenny City & County Metering Project
The Non-Domestic water meter project has been completed. The installation of new and replacement meters on service connections greater than 1" is currently taking place.
2.1.8 Kilkenny Waste Water Treatment Plant
An Oral Hearing was held by An Bord Pleanala in May 2009 in relation to the Environmental Impact Statement for the upgrading of Kilkenny Wastewater Treatment Plant. Kilkenny County Council are currently awaiting a decision on this proposal, made under the Strategic Infrastructure Act.
Provision has been made in the WSIP 2010-2012 for interim upgrade works on the Kilkenny WWTP, which will address ongoing issues at the plan.
2.1.9 Freshford, Johnstown & Goresbridge Sewerage Scheme Bundle
Site Investigations and flooding studies were completed in 2009. Draft contract documents were prepared for (1) Network Improvements (2) Wastewater Treatment plants and (3) network rehabilitation. Funding is not available at present for the completion of the major scheme proposals.
Provision has been made in the WSIP 2010-2012 for the provision of interim treatment plants in Freshford, Goresbridge and Johnstown. The completion of these contracts is subject to funding.
2.2.10 Kilmacow Sewerage Scheme
The Network contract is completed and the construction of the Wastewater Treatment Plant (DBO) commenced in mid January 2010 and is expected to be commissioned in June 2010.
2.2 Assessment of Needs
A revised assessment of needs completed in late 2009 and submitted to the Dept for inclusion in the Water Services Investment Programme 2010 - 2012. The revised assessment of needs considered schemes on the basis of prescribed priorities with the objective of delivering a more focused water services investment programme for the limited resources available.
2.3 Complete Information System - A database for the water supply network
To date, Kilkenny County Council has substantially completed the data collection throughout the County, related to water services. Data collection includes the creation of a comprehensive customer database for each individual area, including the type of service, name address, metered/un-metered, residential/non residential/domestic/agricultural etc. A substantial amount of this data was updated as part of the non domestic water metering project.
2.4 Water Conservation Study
Stage 1 work has been completed with flow meters and telemetry installed on all the water supply schemes Countywide. Stage 2 (Active Leakage Control) commenced in January 2009. This involves the detection and repair of leaks on water supply schemes throughout County Kilkenny. Significant progress has been made in reducing levels of unaccounted for water under this programme. Stage 2 will continue until approximately the end of 2010.
2.5 Serviced Land Initiative
2.5.1 SLI - Gowran Sewerage Scheme
The new Wastewater Treatment Plant for Gowran village is complete and has been fully operational since July 2009.
3.0 Rural Water Programme
There are 232 Group Schemes in the County-124 Groups served from a private source & 108 Groups connected to the public supply. 68 of the public group schemes are not taken in charge.
- Five Kilkenny group schemes - Ballycallan, Castleinch, Castlewarren, Clifden and Cuffesgrange were included in the South Leinster group of 39 schemes - treatment plants for which are being provided under a Design Build & Operate funding scheme. All schemes have been commissioned.
- The sum of € 261,151.99 was paid out in improvement grants to group schemes in 2009 and €25,168.96 being spent on the Takeover of Group Schemes.
- Asset management of rural water sector advanced and all sources covered by regulations have been mapped. Work continues to record pipe network details into GIS format also.
- 50 Subsidies totalling €339,893.03 were paid to Group Schemes in 2009.
- 114 approvals issued for grant applications for provision of wells to private houses and the sum of €174,133.85 was paid out in well grants in 2009.
- The sum of €900,155.93 was spent on the provision & improvement works to public water and sewage schemes under the small schemes programme. Works were carried out to 22 schemes in 2009.
4.0 Water Quality Programme
- The water quality monitoring programme for 2009 built upon successive improvements in 2008 and 2007 and increased further the quantity and range of testing of water across source, drinking and waste waters.
- The programme includes testing programmes for all categories of public and private drinking water and waste water supplies.
- The targeted intervention approach to those schemes with the highest environmental liability based upon water quality monitoring results proved very effective once again in 2009 and corrective actions have proved very successful.
- The particular focus on Cryptosporidium monitoring has been retained.
- The Water Quality Liaison Group Meetings with the HSE have proved both very successful and practical in managing the quality of drinking water supplies and ultimately addressing the public health of the consumers. These meetings have become more efficient and effective due to the incorporation of strong water quality monitoring information management.
- The Laboratory Information Management System has been successfully used to manage and communicate water quality information to inform decision making within water services. In particular the information system is used at important decision making forums and meetings such as the Water Quality Liason Group Meetings and Rural Water Monitoring Committee Meetings to inform strategic policy making and operational decisions. The next step forward is to deliver a new online solution for reporting in a customer focused way water quality monitoring data.
- The additional water quality monitoring instrumentation deployed in 2008 has been built upon and a pilot of a new SCADA and Telemetry system commenced. Ultimately this will deliver a powerful real time plant and network management information system.
- By the end of 2009 Kilkenny Water Services Authority had completed all of its 35 number applications / certificate applications to the EPA for Discharge License under the Waste Water Authorisation Regs. This programme of submission of applications to the EPA for waste water agglomerations will ultimately lead to improved waste water treatment and discharges to the receiving environment.
5.0 Water Charging Programme
The Water Charges Programme built upon the changes implemented in 2008. The primary areas addressed included:
- Continuance of review of customer database and improvement of customer records.
- Water Pricing Policy reviewed to reflect issues presenting on the ground and continue Polluter Pays Principle.
- Ongoing public relations efforts to keep customer informed of changes underway in the water charges programme.
- Piloting of new online water charges solution to empower customers with more information and ultimately provide online service provision.
- Meter reading and billing delivered on quarterly basis. This was possible by bedding down new meter reading and billing management information systems.
- The Customer Relationship Management system introduced was further developed and used to good effect to manage customer issues presenting.
6.0 Water Safety
- Water Safety Awareness was promoted in Kilkenny throughout 2009 some of which was channelled through local radio, newspapers and a very successful public awareness day at Market Cross Shopping Centre.
- Promoted Water Safety Awareness week.
- Presentation of Lifeguard Certificates: Training for lifeguards was undertaken from January to May, 2009. A total of 50 pool lifeguards qualified and a presentation of certificates by Cathaoirleach of Kilkenny County Council, Cllr. Tomás Breathnach was held in County Hall, to which the new lifeguards and their parents were invited. Some of these lifeguards continued their training and were employed by The Watershed and also by Kilkenny County Council on the rivers in Kilkenny during the summer months from June to September, 2009.
- Appointed and managed 14 lifeguards for summer season.
- Ring Buoys: Intensive monitoring of Ring Buoys has taken place throughout 2009 to ensure Ring Buoys in both city and county are checked and replaced on a weekly basis. A new website initiated by Kildare County Committee of Irish Water Safety has been updated with all details of locations of Ring Buoys in Kilkenny city and county. The website address is: www.ringbuoys.ie - any member of the public can log on and report a missing/damaged ring buoy in the city or county.
- Nore Swim: The Annual Nore Swim was held in August, 2009. It has increased in popularity this year, with over 100 participants. A contribution from the proceeds of the Nore Swim was made to The Samaritans.
- The Watershed: Kilkenny County Committee of Irish Water Safety are very happy with the new pool at The Watershed and feel it has proven to be a great amenity for the city and county.